July 2023 Minutes
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council meeting of Cowbit Parish Council, held on Monday 10th of July 2023 at 7:30pm at the Cowbit Village Hall
Present: Trevor Tyrell, Janet Barnes, Peter Simpson, Carol Clark and James Stamp
Clerk: Mrs Harrison
District Councillor: T Sneath, A Woolf and A Casson
County Councillor: N Pepper
18 members of the public
In the Chair: Trevor Tyrell
20. Chairman’s welcome and Public Forum.
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that it was in fact the 55th Anniversary of the flood in Cowbit, and that by 5:30pm there was 4.5 inches of rain! He then opened the floor to the parishioners present.
Tracey Whale started by reading out her report regarding the provision of allotments for residents.
31 people are currently interested in taking on an allotment.
Requested that the PC consider providing allotments for the local people.
1 acre plot can provide 20 allotments.
The Clerk had advised via email that the PC has no land other than the Playing Field.
Ms Whale questioned the use of the ‘Dole Land’
o The Chairman advised that the Dole Land is not available as it is rented out on a long-term basis.
o Chris Elliott added that not all parcels are in the village and are not suitable for anything apart from grazing.
o Dole was setup to take the rent and distribute to the poor.
o There is no water supply.
o Great idea in principle, but not practical.
To buy additional land would require a referendum of the residents to increase the Parish Precept.
The Chairman stated that going back to the Dole land, one parcel was at Spalding Common off Cradge Bank, on an Agricultural Acts Tenancy that has 8 years left to run. One of the other parcels is off Drain Bank, let under the Agricultural Holdings Act and the other piece is at Mill Drove, beyond the chicken farm and that is let on the Agricultural Holdings Act Tenancy.
Tracey Whale asked about Parish Council land that is let out to farmers
o The Chairman stated that there wasn’t any land owned by the PC, let out to farmers.
Tracey stated that it is the Parish Council’s duty to look into this and added that Gosberton PC managed to acquire land for their residents to use as allotments.
o The Chairman confirmed that GPC took over the lease of some farm land that had come up for rent.
A gentleman asked whether Cllr Casson could speak regarding Weston PC’s allotments.
Cllr Casson advised that Weston PC has 18 acres of land.
o All were used a long time ago, but some started sub-letting their plots.
o Now there are only 2 acres of garden allotments, the rest is now on farm tenancy as there is no appetite for large allotments. These allotments are only 1/8 of an acre.
o In all his time on WPC there had not been a request/issue regarding the lack of a water supply.
Tracey Whale stated that this is not always the case, as the Keith Butters site is fully allocated with a long waiting list.
Cllr Casson advised that this is a District Council site.
JB advised that there is no water and that it is an issue at the Butter’s site, despite there being a waiting list for plots.
The Chairman asked Tracey Whale, acting on behalf of the residents, to confirm that what she is asking is for the PC to tender for an acre of land so that we can re-let it and bring in some income?
Tracey Whale confirmed that this was correct.
Cllr Casson added that the PC should always look to provide allotments if there is a request for them, but if there is no land available then it can’t be done.
Tracey Whale asked whether there was Dole land available on the Wash?
o The Chairman stated that there is no Dole land on the Wash.
Another resident asked about a site that looks to have been abandoned for 4+ years. Apparently it’s along from the village shop and full of weed. Although they didn’t know who owned the land, she wondered whether the PC could buy/rent it to be used for allotments?
The Chairman stated that he was asked by a Land Agent, some weeks ago, to tidy up that site up on behalf of his client. He enquired at the time whether the land was for sale, but the answer was no.
Tracey asked whether it could be an option for the PC to let that piece of land for allotments?
The Chairman said he would be willing to ask the owner, although he doesn’t know who the owner is. He was asked by their land agent, via another land agent who does work for him.
The Chairman added that this is all that he could do, as there is no other land available to the PC.
ACTION: TT to ask his land agent to contact the landowner’s land agent, to ask if he would be willing to let the parcel of land to the PC.
Another resident asked whether there were any other PC’s with vacant allotments that would be willing to let them to Cowbit residents?
Tracey stated that Crowland PC have vacancies but will not let to anyone outside of their town.
o PS asked whether it would be worth writing a letter to Crowland PC?
Cllr Casson added that Weston PC will only let their allotments to residents of Weston.
The Chairman asked Tracey if the 31 people who were interested in holding an allotment, all lived in Cowbit?
Tracey confirmed that yes, they do.
PS stated that he felt it would be worth writing the letter to Crowland PC to ask the question.
The Chairman agreed that the PC would write to Crowland, although he didn’t hold out much hope for a positive answer.
ACTION: Clerk to write to Crowland PC to ask whether they would consider letting their vacant allotment plots to the 31 residents of Cowbit.
The Chairman added that if a piece of land was found, then it would probably need to be let to one named person for a minimum of 1 year, who would then manage and let out the plots. This would prevent the allotments becoming a drain on the PC’s precept if the plots were given up and left vacant in the future.
Cllr Woolf confirmed that Moulton have allotments which are full with one person on the waiting list. He fully appreciated the fact that Cowbit has no land at present and that there would be an extra burden on the PC’s resources to manage them, if and when land was acquired.
Drain/Manhole Cover
Resident again raised the issue of the raised drain cover outside the old hand car wash.
Been reported on Fix my Street numerous times and at the past four PC meetings.
Received email back from LCC to say that it’s fixed, but not.
ACTION: JS to report it.
91 Backgate
Resident raised the issue of a dip/low part in the road outside her property.
When it rains, the boundary wall at the front of her plot gets water splashed onto it.
The resident has, over the past 2 years, reported to Highways at LCC but their response is that they don’t have funding to repair it as money is spent on more urgent issues within the County.
Replacement Bin
Cllr Casson stated that the 3 District Cllrs have agreed to buy a new bin to replace the broken one outside the church, and it’s currently on order.
Resident asked about the maps of interest that were to be placed around the village.
The Chairman stated that the Ordinance Survey maps didn’t contain enough detail, so they are going to ask the Drainage Board.
There are cables sticking up on the substation between nos. 2 and 4 Stonegate, (next to the old vicarage).
Apparently it used to have fencing around it, but not now and could be dangerous.
ACTION: Clerk to write to Scottish Power.
Pavement repairs are being undertaken but there is no way for pedestrians to get through without walking in the road.
Parking on the bend is making it worse.
The Chairman advised that it was being tarmacked today, so should soon be finished.
ACTION: Clerk to chase LCC Highways regarding yellow lines to prevent parking at the top of Broadgate.
Speed Signs
Dave Atkins and Marcus advised that they will be putting up 30 and 40mph signs on various lampposts around the village, including Backgate and Stonegate.
The interactive speed sign will also be put up.
Parish Council Meeting
21. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
It was resolved to approve apologies from Eric Fragale and Daniel Sandhu.
22. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
There were none.
23. Notes on the last PC meeting held on the 15th of May 2023 to be approved as the minutes.
It was resolved to approve the Minutes of the last meeting and the Chairman signed them.
24. Matters arising from the minutes, (not covered on this agenda).
JB asked if anyone knew who had trimmed the hedge at the top of Backgate near the bus stop, after receiving a phone call from the owner.
TT stated that it is LCC land but that it may have been the environment agency.
It was realised that no-one knew who had cut it.
25. Police matters.
a. To suggest the next priority for Spalding Rural East, (see email).
The Chairman read out the email from the Police and it was resolved to request that the Police focus on speeding and parking.
26. Highways matters and to receive the CSW report (see separate sheet).
The Chairman read out the following report along with an email received today.
30th June
One hour at 4.30pm until 5.30pm on Barrier Bank.
11 cars checked 3 listed for breaking the 40mph limit.
1 x 55mph
1 x 53mph
1 x 51mph
Rained off at 5pm so had to cut the session short.
23rd June
Same time and place on Barrier Bank.
18 cars checked & 3 listed for breaking the 40mph limit
1 x 46mph
1 x 47mph
1 x 53mph
16th June
4.30pm until 5.30pm on Backgate Cowbit.
17 cars checked with 5 being listed for breaking the 30mph limit.
2 x 36mph
1 x 37mph
1 x 42mph
1 x 44mph
19th May
Following our CSW session on Barrier Bank earlier outside the village hall, we recorded 4 reg plates that have been forwarded on to Lincoln.
Out of 31 checks 4 recorded for exceeding the 30mph limit.
1 x 38mph
2 x 41mph
1 x 43mph
Email sent 8th July
8th June 4.30 to 5.30pm on Backgate
37 cars checked for their speed; 9 listed and reported to Lincoln.
Max speed of 45mph in a 30 mph area.
7th July on Barrier Bank 40mph area
24 cars checked for their speed, 7 listed and reported to Lincoln, the max speed of 52 mph recorded.
NB. I raised the matter of the Parish buying extra 30, 40 yellow signage from Lincoln CSW many months ago and have not heard back as to what the council really expect from our group. Please will you raise this point at Mondays meeting on my behave of myself and the other members, and let me know the outcome.
The Chairman advised that the PC already have these signs and they will soon be put up.
27. To receive an update on the bus shelter.
The new bus shelter has now been installed.
The PC have received positive comments from residents and Stagecoach will put up a new timetable after their review.
28. Financial matters.
a. To receive the financial report and approve outstanding payments.
PS proposed, JB seconded
It was resolved to approve the outstanding payments as listed below.
In explanation of the Solicitor’s fees under ledger number 32, the Chairman explained that the ongoing boundary dispute is taking longer than anti8cipated, as the playing field isn’t registered with the land registry commission.
b. To receive the bank reconciliation.
The bank reconciliation for the first quarter was received and signed by the Chairman.
c. To consider and resolve the request to pay £216 for the provision of the Cowbit Village Website. (See email and invoices).
PS proposed
JB seconded
It was resolved by a show of hands, to pay £216 for the Cowbit Village Website for 2022.
29. Planning matters.
a. Pre-planning consultation; Cornerstone 20142123, Tyrrell’s Farm (see attached letter & drawing).
Trevor Tyrrell declared a pecuniary interest and left the room.
PS proposed
JS seconded
It was resolved by a show of hands that the PC support this application.
b. H01-0556-23 Land off Stonegate Change of use of former railway sidings to create larger domestic garden to Plot 1 (approved under H01-0820-22)
There were no concerns or objections raised to this application.
c. H01-0558-23 Land off Stonegate Erection of 5 Dwellings - outline approval H01-0823-19 - approved under H01-0820-22. Amendments to levels on Plots 1 and 2 to facilitate gravity drainage system.
There were no concerns or objections raised to this application.
d. H01-0562-23 Goodison 32 Peak Hill PE12 6AW Two-storey side extension and internal alterations.
There were no concerns or objections raised to this application.
30. To receive reports from representatives on outside bodies.
a. To receive an update on Village Hall matters.
Members were advised that the next meeting would be held at the end of July.
An update regarding the Levelling up grant scheme was given. New chairs, lighting and front doors for the village hall had been requested, along with tourist maps for the village.
The scheme is over-subscribed.
Requesting a total of £25K
Have received an email requesting more details.
New village hall sign looks great.
Asbestos report has been done.
Still looking for a treasurer for the committee.
JS advised that paying utility bills via direct debit makes it easier to budget.
b. To receive an update on the Playing Field/Pavilion.
With DS being absent from the meeting, there was not an update.
The Chairman reported that there was dog poo on the field.
CC put a post on Facebook as 5 children aged 4yrs+ did gymnastics on the field and got it on them.
It is serious as it can carry harmful bacteria, parasites or viruses which can make people, especially children, very sick. It can also be dangerous to wildlife and other dogs.
The Chairman suggested a prominent sign be placed on Willow Court and the gate, stating, ‘DOGS NOT ALLOWED ON THE PLAYING FIELD – IF YOU WISH TO BREAK THE LAW KEEP YOUR DOG ON THE LEAD’.
ACTION: TT to speak with EF to come up with a suitable sign.
ACTION: Clerk to speak with Moulton Clerk regarding fines for dog fouling.
Members were advised that the brown, alloy signs erected for the Village Hall and Playing Field were approved at a cost of £400.
31. General correspondence for inspection at the meeting not included in the agenda.
a. RoSPA: Notification of Playing field inspection (see email).
The inspection will take place in August.
b. Request for funding for the Elloe Oracle (see email).
Members were asked to consider making a donation towards the Ellow Oracle.
Apparently Weston PC give £600 towards it.
The Chairman proposed that the PC make a donation of £200 and to put in an article regarding dog fouling on the field.
PS seconded.
It was resolved to make a £200 donation and to put in an article regarding dog fouling.
32. Items to be included on the next meeting’s agenda.
There were none.
33. To confirm the date of the next meeting, provisionally set as 11th September 2023.
The above date was confirmed.
Meeting ended at 20:45