September 2020 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on

Monday 7th September 2020 at 7.30pm via ZOOM


Attendance.  Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale, Barnes and Sandhu.

District Cllr Casson and Woolf.

1. Welcome.  Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, he thanked the Clerk, Carol, for all her hard work over the last four years and welcomed the new Clerk, Dominique. 

Public Forum.

Cllr Woolf reported he had received a letter from a resident regarding St Mary’s Gardens, the letter noted concerns with road and the south side of the playing field. Cllr Elliott confirmed the Council had received and actioned the letter. The concerns with the road surface had been reported to LCC Highways and concerns with the ditch had been passed to Ashwood Home.

2. Apologies. 

a.County Cllr Pepper.

3. Declarations of interest.

a.None received.

4. Notes of the meeting held on 8th June 2020 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes. Duly signed.

5. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. None.

b. Cllr Elliott reported the bus shelter near the Church was no longer being used as a meeting place. Removal of the bus shelter was discussed and it was agreed that if the shelter was no longer being used as a meeting place there was no reason to remove.

6. Police matters.

a. None. It was noted that the Police had been present in the area on several occasions in the last few weeks.

7. Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

8. Highways matters/CSW.

a. CSW. The Clerk noted the CSW Team had been quite active, detailing in July 23 out of 159 were speeding, (14.5%) with the highest at 52mph on Backgate. In Aug, 19 out of 131 were speeding, (14.5%) and the highest were 60 and 69mph on Barrier Bank. Additional volunteer recruitment required, Cllr Elliott agreed to post on village life page. The Clerk advised CSW training was being carried out virtually at present.

b. Cllr Barnes raised residents’ concerns with traffic on Parkin Road attending the Playing Field on football non-training nights. The Chairman noted that when the barrier has been used of an evening, complaints have been received. Cllr Sandhu advised those using the Playing Field were not making excessive amount of noise. It was agreed for the Playing Field car park access to remain open, Cllr Barnes to feedback to residents.

Cllr Casson joined the meeting at 7.54pm

9. Financial report.

a. The financial report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

b. The Clerk enquired whether a postal redirection could be put in place for the next 3 months to ensure the post reaches the new Clerk, it was agreed by all.

c. It was agreed by all that the new Clerk would have the same Banking access as the current Clerk, all agreed for the relevant documents to completed post meeting.

10. Planning matters.

a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

11. Village Hall representative.

a. The Chairman Darren Harper had sent apologies and Cllr Elliott gave the report. The Village Hall committee had received various grants and were in the process of putting the base down for the cabin. Disabled Parking was now in place and drainage concerns had been rectified. The old pebbles had been removed and resurfaced as specified. The previous shed had been sited on the drainage inspection point and the drain cover had now been replaced.

12. Playing field/Pavilion.

a. Cllr Sandhu noted concerns with the bins in the playing field overflowing after football training. Discussions occurred on the siting of bins, suggestions were smaller bins close to goals and larger bins nearer the Pavilion, one to be sited near the Willow Court entrance and a large one near the seating area. It was agreed to order first and then confirm location, Clerk to pass supplier information to the new Clerk. Cllr Woolf agreed to towards the cost of bins and requested further details to be forwarded post meeting.

b. The Chairman noted the half pipe and floodlights had been removed. The Chairman asked if the RoSPA inspection had been completed, Clerk to chase and forward to Council.

c. Cllr Sandhu enquired whether it would be possible to move the current goal posts away from the play area. Cllr Elliott suggested they could be chained to posts to the far side of the playing field away from the houses. The Chairman noted he would possibly be able to supply the posts.

d. Cllr Barnes enquired whether the ‘no dogs allowed’ signs had been installed, concerns with dogs being exercised on the Playing Field. It was agreed to install signs and monitor, the Chairman and Cllr Sandhu to arrange backing and installation of signs.

e. The Clerk enquired whether the Council would be interested at looking into the possibly business rating the Pavilion, it was agreed by Council, new Clerk to investigate.

13. Correspondence.

a. Any correspondence received was included in the agenda.

14. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda.

a. Cllr Barnes asked if the Parish Council have responsibility over the Bridleways on the Wash and raised concerns over excessive numbers of vehicles including bikes on the fields. The Chairman advised the Council have no responsibility and all concerns should be reported to the Police on 101. Cllr Elliott agreed to put the information on the Village Life page for residents to access.

b. The Council thanked the Clerk, Carol for all her work and wished her all the best for the future.

15. Date of the next meeting.  Monday 2nd November at 7.30pm via ZOOM.

Meeting closed at 8.38pm.