September 2021 Minutes

Draft minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on

Monday 13th September, 7.30pm at the Cowbit Village Hall

Attendance. Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale, Sandhu and Barnes.

District Cllr Casson, 2 members of the Public and the Parish Clerk.

1.Chairman’s welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

 Public Forum

2. Apologies.

a. None.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None.

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 12th July 2021 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes and the Chairman duly signed.

5. Matters arising from the minutes/admin matters.

a. None.

6. Police matters.

a. None.

7. Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

8. Highways matters and CSW.

a. To receive the highways report.

b. The Chairman read through the following report:

Over 8 sessions 216 vehicles were checked of which 29 were reported. The highest speed was 57mph in the 40mph zone and 50mph in the 30mph zone.

c. The Council discussed the installation of the Welcome gates and asked the Clerk to make arrangements with LCC Highways for an onsite visit to confirm the location. The Council agreed for the Chairman and Cllr Fragale to take the lead on the project.

d. The Council discussed the possibility of Wildflower Grass Verges, noting a recent email from County Cllr Pepper. The Council asked Cllr Barnes to look into similar projects in Lincolnshire and agreed for the Clerk to look at funding possibilities.

9. Bus Shelters

a. Discussions occurred regarding the style and features of a new bus shelter. The council agreed a new shelter would need to include shelter, seating and visibility and the shelter would need to be in keeping with village. The Council agreed for Cllr Fragale and Cllr Barnes to take the lead and bring prices to November’s meeting for approval.

10. Financial matters.

a. The financial report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

b. The Bank reconciliation had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

c. The Budget report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures.

d. Cllr Elliott proposed that for all projects, a lead should be approved and be responsible for delivering the project. The Clerk enquired whether an action list would be of use, the Council agreed to project leads and the action list.

11. Planning matters.

a. Planning application had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

12. Village Hall representative.

a. The Clerk read through the following report from the Village Hall Chairman:

The Village Hall is slowly getting back to normal following the lifting of restrictions and have now had a few commercial bookings over the weekends we have also changed our cleaning contractor; a local firm based in Weston Hills. This started with a full day clean of the hall that despite not being used had got very dirty; also, all the equipment has now been moved into the new outdoor storage which for the Village Hall is proving to be very useful. Currently we are looking at further improvements to the front doors, facias, internal painting and getting quotes the main floor to be waxed. As we now enter through September, we are contacting the regular groups to see if they’re ready and able to return and looking for new opportunities to further extend our regular bookings.

Recently had a new exercise group starting on a Thursday. 

Social committee

This year’s highlight has been the fun on the field held in August despite the heavy rain we started with a good attendance and some quality stalls and attractions. After some reflection we seriously need to start preparing for the Jubilee Day, which will be a much bigger event and we need to get organised and plan the day’s activities this will be held on the Saturday of the Jubilee bank holiday 4th June. We have planned a meeting every last Tuesday of the month, the next is Tuesday 28th Sept in the village hall. We need to know what budget we have so plans can be made, and book the necessary attractions. 


The Council noted the Fun on the Field event was very successful despite the weather and thanked all those involved. The Village Hall Committee Chairman thanked the Council for allowing dogs onto the field for the event.


b. After discussion, the BT package at £40.99 was proposed by Cllr Sandhu and seconded by Cllr Elliott. All agreed.

13. Playing field/Pavilion representative.

a. Cllr Sandhu noted the playing field had been quite quiet and noted a ‘kickabout’ one evening a week had started up. Cllr Sandhu mentioned the goals were unchained, Cllr Elliott advised he had spoken with the football club and they were looking to resolve the situation.

Concerns were raised with litter and Council agreed for the Clerk to order the metal litter bins from SHDC and make arrangements for them to install.

Cllr Sandhu observed that on occasions the singular refuse bags were not being collected. District Cllr Cassson noted that over the last few months sickness and leave had caused staff shortages. Concerns were also raised with the taking domestic waste to the recycling centre.

The Council asked the Clerk to make arrangements for Amber Electrical to check over the flood lights at the Pavilion.

b. The Council discussed the recent RoSPA report, noting nothing was in the red. All agreed for Cllr Elliott and Cllr Sandhu to review the report and create an action plan.

14. Jubilee celebrations.

a. As above (12.a).

15. Code of Conduct.

a. The Council resolved to accept the Code of Conduct.

16. Correspondence.

a. The clerk advised the Elloe Oracle had written requesting a donation to the publication, a £500 donation was proposed by Cllr Sandhu and seconded by Cllr Elliott. All agreed.

17. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda and also for Councillors to raise items for next meeting’s agenda.

a. Cllr Elliott advised the school had contacted regarding the use of the wooded area in the playing field as a Forest School. Cllr Elliott noted the area would need fencing but would not be for the exclusive use of the school. The Council agreed to discuss in more detail at the next Council meeting.

18. Date of the next meeting.

a. Date of next meeting, Monday 8th November, 7.30pm at the Cowbit Village Hall.

19. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage), in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:


Meeting closed at 8.55pm.