September 2024 Minutes
Present: Trevor Tyrrell, Eric Fragale, Daniel Sandhu, Janet Barnes, Chris Elliot & Peter Simpson
District Cllrs: Anthony Casson, Andrew Woolf & Thomas Sneath
County Cllr: Nigel Pepper
6 members of the public
37. Chairman’s welcome and Public Forum.
Resident of Mill Drove North regarding traffic.
1,745 vehicles in 2007
5,104 peak traffic earlier this year
27-30% of the total A16 traffic using this as a rat-run
1.7 mile short cut than using the A16
Multiple accidents
Chairman mentioned that he had suggested to County Cllr Richard Davies, that the survey was done at the wrong time of the year to which he replied that he will be redoing the survey in a couple of months’ time.
The resident suggested that a no right turn into Mill Drove North would help to solve the issue.
HGVs ignore the weight limit signs.
Fear that speed limit signs will be ignored.
Chairman requested that Cllr Pepper take this forward on behalf of the PC
Cllr Pepper agreed to chase this up and report back in due course.
Resident enquired about the ‘welcome gates’ that have been erected at the entrances to the village.
The PC confirmed that these are only temporary as they are not yet finished and that Highways will be supplying the signs to go on them.
Cllr Woolf commented on Agenda item 13 to advise that he has reported the graffiti and that it is being dealt with.
This item was raised by Mr Noyce, (not Norris), and the Clerk apologised for her mistake.
38. To receive and approve apologies for absence.
There were none.
39. To receive Declarations of Interest in accordance with the Localism Act 2011 and to consider any requests for dispensations.
There were none.
40. Minutes of the July meeting to be approved and signed by the Chair as a correct record.
The Minutes were proposed by CE and Seconded by DS
It was resolved to approve the Minutes as a true record and the Chairman signed them as such.
41. Matters arising from the Minutes, (not covered on this agenda).
Item 30. The Overgrown hedge on Stonegate
PS has spoken with the owner who has refused to cut it back as he says that birds are nesting.
The Chairman confirmed that LCC Highways is dealing with this issue through their legal channels.
42. To receive and review the Cowbit Village action plan.
The Chairman went through the list of items and checked off all that had been completed.
ACTION: New notice board.
ACTION: TT to cut the hedge before Remembrance Day.
Wild Flowers in front of the lay-by where the speed watch operates.
ACTION: JB to investigate pricing.
Information boards are still being done.
ACTION: TT to speak with Mr Stamp.
LCC Highways have been to measure up for a dropped curb for number 1 Parkin Road.
Cllr Carson raised the consultation regarding introducing a PSPO to encourage dog walkers to pick up after their dogs. Members were in support and encouraged everyone to take part in the consultation.
43. Update on the purchase of a new defibrillator for the Village Hall.
New defibrillator purchased and delivered.
Thanks to the District Councillors for their donation of £600 towards the cost.
The electrician has it, ready to be fitted.
The old defibrillator will be kept and once refurbished, be sited elsewhere in the village.
ACTION: EF will chase the electrician tomorrow.
44. Police matters and to receive the online Police report.
According to the Police website, there were 10 Crimes reported in Cowbit for July 2024, as follows: -
Clarkson Avenue: 3 x Violence and Sexual Offence and 1 x Antisocial Behaviour
Orchard Way: 1 Violence and Sexual Offence
Croft Close: 1 Violence and Sexual Offence and 1 x Antisocial Behaviour
Wigeon Close: 1 x Antisocial Behaviour
Parkin Road: 2 x Violence and Sexual Offence
Members were concerned to see so many crimes, especially violence and sexual offences, but understood that these are the categories used by the Police and that the crimes may not be quite as horrendous as the heading suggests.
45. Highways matters and to receive the CSW report.
Barrier Bank 40mph
29 checked 1 over limit fastest 47mph
Backgate 30mph
21 checked 2 over limit fastest 42mph
Village Hall 30mph
15 checked 4 over limit fastest 39mph
Barrier Bank 40mph
30 checked 2 over limit fastest 48mph
Barrier Bank 40mph
16 checked 3 over limit fastest 52mph
Village Hall 30mph
26 checked 9 over limit fastest 46mph
30th August 24
Ashtree Drive, Barrier Bank 40mph
23 checked 3 over limit, (1x47mph, 1x48mph, 1x50mph)
Friday 6th Sept
Ashtree Drive, Barrier Bank 40mph
20 checked 1 over limit at 49mph
Friday 13th Sept
Village Hall on Barrier Bank 30mph
20 checked 5 over limit, (1x38mph, 2x39mph, 1x41mph, 1x45mph)
Ralph requested at the end of his report, that the following be mentioned in the minutes of the meeting.
When we carry out a session adjacent to Ashtree Tree Drive, off Barrier Bank, we seem to attract the attention of a local male who lives nearby in Dun Cow Close. When he pulls out of the development in his car, we always receive a vile hand sign followed by one or two choice words. We have put up with this for too long and following my recent email to Lincoln I have been given a direct email link to one of the local Police Sergeants who will be speaking to this person.
The Chair raised two issues that need to be reported to LCC Highways. Firstly, a sunken manhole cover down Croft Close and secondly, a dip in the road outside 66 Backgate.
ACTION: Clerk to report on Fix my Street.
46. Financial matters: -
a. To receive an update from the RFO regarding the AGAR for 2023/24
The AGAR has been signed off with no advisories, and copies displayed on the PC’s website. Hard copies will be available by request, at a charge of £5 per copy.
The Clerk commented that this is the first year that the PC has required a limited assurance review, as the previous years the PC had been certified as exempt due to income and expenditure being less than £25K.
b. To receive the financial report and approve outstanding payments
The reports were received with no questions arising.
A list of payments had been circulated prior to the meeting, and the Clerk stated that another invoice had been received prior to the meeting.
It was resolved to include the Focus invoice for the internet at the Village Hall of £73.01
It was also resolved to make a donation to the Elloe Oracle of £200, (the same amount as last year), following an emailed request.
Moved by P Simpson and Seconded by C Elliott
c. To receive the bank reconciliation.
Bank reconciliations for July and August had been prepared by the Clerk/RFO and circulated prior to the meeting.
Members commented that the reports were much easier to read now that the PC is using Scribe.
The Chairman signed the reports.
d. To receive the Summary/budget report.
The reports had been prepared and circulated prior to the meeting and were received by the members.
47. Planning matters.
Adj. Croft House, 98 Stone Gate, Cowbit PE12 6AH - Erection of One and Half Storey Dwelling
Members were concerned at the close proximity to the A16 roundabout, particularly the access being extremely close to the junction splay for the roundabout. It was also noted that there is no footpath outside of the proposed property.
It was resolved to enter an objection to this application, outlining the above reasons.
32 The Pastures, Cowbit PE12 6FL - Proposed extension and alterations
Members could see no issues with this application. Residents of the adjacent properties would be consulted and have an opportunity to raise concerns of their own should they have any.
It was resolved to enter no objections to this applications.
48. Playing Field Usage.
a. To receive an update regarding Cowbit football field usage
DS gave the following verbal report.
SUFC & Cowbit are both playing on the field.
No trouble with parking.
SUFC have installed some new goals, slightly smaller and are happy for local people to use them.
Defibrillator installed by them and was used recently, so awaiting new pads.
The PC is grateful to SUFC for their contribution to the village.
CE asked about Cowbit football team and whether they will be making any contribution for their usage.
Also, the electricity charge has quadrupled since SUFC started using the pitch. The costs should be looked at and adjusted to cover the costs of electricity.
TT suggested a paid meter be installed for the floodlights.
It was resolved that DS would find out the usage so that the monthly cost can be divided between the clubs.
Members discussed whether Cowbit FC should be charged for their usage of the field. It was agreed that whilst the club was in its infancy, they could continue to use the facilities for free but the PC would start charging them in the new year.
ACTION: DS to liaise with both clubs and instruct the Clerk accordingly.
b. To receive an update following the recent play equipment inspection
DS gave a verbal update to the members.
Damage to the ‘trim trail’ was looked at the day after the report was received, and 2 sections were dismantled, leaving the rest safe to play on. Looking at the option of going back to the manufacturer as it was expected to last a lot longer.
Hope to get it back up to full use as soon as possible.
Nothing else to worry about.
Members thanked DS for his report.
c. To receive an update regarding the proposed new play equipment
Looking at purchasing 3 items of outdoor gym equipment using the grant money received by the Village Hall.
DS advised members that he has looked at the options and hopes to get this sorted by the end of the month.
49. Email request from Mr Noyce for assistance with removing graffiti from areas of the village.
The Clerk has reported the afflicted sites via the ‘Report It’ section of the SHDC website and Cllrs Woolf and Casson stated that they too have reported it.
Members thanked Mr Noyce for his past efforts and commitment to keeping the village clear of graffiti and agreed to reimburse Mr Noyce the £25.99 that he recently spent on materials.
50. Email request from Ms Whale regarding permission to site a memorial bench on Barrier Bank.
The PC have no objection to the memorial bench, but need to know exactly where it is to be located so that the landowner can be contacted.
ACTION: Clerk to converse with Ms Whale.
51. LCC Consultation on Minerals and Waste Local Plan.
Members felt unable to contribute to the consultation.
52. Items to be included on the agenda for the next meeting.
Co-option to the vacant seat.
53. To confirm the date of the next meeting, provisionally set for the 11th of November 2024.
The meeting ended at 21:10