January 2021 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on

Monday 11th January 2021 at 7.30pm via ZOOM


Attendance.  Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale.

District Cllrs Casson and Woolfe, and the Parish Clerk.

1.      Chairman’s welcome. 

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum.


2.      Apologies.

a. County Cllr Pepper.

3.      Declarations of interest.

a. Declaration of interest where received from Cllr Tyrrell regarding planning application H07-1047-20 though not directly financially benefit the land borders with Cllr Tyrrells.

4.      Notes of the meeting held on 2nd November 2020 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes. Duly signed.

5.      Matters arising from the minutes.

a. None.

6.      Police matters.

a. None.

b. Council noted the Police presence in the village was minimal.   

7.      Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

8.      Highways matters/CSW.

a. The Chairman raised concerns with Mill Drove as the road is not on the gritting route. The Council noted 7 vehicles had left the road in recent weeks. Council discussed residents request to close the road and speed limit reductions. As the road is covered by several Wards, Council agreed for Cllr Tyrrell to speak to the relevant Councillors.

b. The CSW report noted lockdowns we were only able to have 6 sessions. Out of 149 vehicles checked, 20 were reported. The report also noted the weather had intervened a couple of times and the minimum number of volunteers was not met on occasions.

c. The Council discussed adding welcome gates to the entrances to the Village; Cllr Fragale remarked the gates would help to reduce the speed in the village, acknowledging the village community as you arrive. It was agreed by all to make £500 available; Cllr Fragale noted he would contact LCC Highways and relevant companies

9.      Bus Shelters.

a. The Council discussed the proposed sponsorship of the bus shelters on Barrier Bank and Backgate. It was agreed by all to accept the sponsorship and display 30 and 40 speed signs on the bus shelters when entering the village and thank you signs when exiting.

In addition, the Council discussed placing plaques at sites of local interest, locations included Cross Road, Cloots Drove, the Wash and the Wash. The plaques would note the Lancaster, Mustang as well as rare wildlife. The Clerk noted the new website had the function to create a page detailing these sites. All agreed.

Cllr Fragale enquired regarding the memorial plaques, Cllr Tyrrell advised one company he contacted are no longer manufacturing memorial plaques and he is awaiting a quote from another company.

10.  Financial matters.

a. The financial report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

b. The consideration of the 2021-22 Budget figures was moved to closed session.

11.  Planning matters.

a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal. Concerns were raised with the location of the Garage on a planning application along Stonegate.

12.  Village Hall representative.

a. The Village Hall Committee Chairman had given his apologies and advised the Hall remained closed due to lockdown.

13.  Playing field/Pavilion.

a. Cllr Elliott advised the Pavilion remained closed due to the current lockdown, and the play area was open. Cllr Elliott had put reminder posts on the village Facebook page reminding all to wash their hands before and after using the equipment and ensure social distancing was adhered to.

14.  Correspondence.

a. Any correspondence received was included in the agenda.

15.  Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda.

a. None.

16.  Date of the next meeting. Monday 8th March, 7.30pm via Zoom.

17.  To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage), in accordance with  the Local Government Act 1972),  due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:-

The Council resolved to move to closed session. The Budget was reviewed and the Council resolved to accept a precept of £14576.00.


Meeting closed at 8.51pm.