May 2022 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on Monday 9th May 2022, 7.30pm at the Cowbit Village Hall

Attendance. Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale and Barnes.

District Cllr Casson, County Cllr Pepper, 1 members of the Public and the Parish Clerk.

1.Chairman’s welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

Cllr Casson updated the meeting on the bins, advising they are now available and the team should be in contact shortly to arrange installation. 

Discussions occurred regarding watering the Queens Green Canopy Trees.

2.   Election of Chairman.

a. Cllr Tyrrell was proposed by Cllr Elliott and seconded by Cllr Barnes. All agreed. 

3.   Election of Vice-Chairman.

a. Cllr Elliott was proposed by Cllr Tyrrell and seconded by Cllr Barnes. All agreed. 

4. Apologies.

a. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Sandhu.

5. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

6. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 14th March 2022 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes and the Chairman duly signed.

7. Matters arising from the minutes/admin matters.

a. LCC Highways confirmed Mill Dove would be closed for approximately 1 year.

8. To review and resolve accordingly on:

a. Council representation on

i. The Council resolved for representation on the Playing Field to remain as Cllrs Elliott and Sandhu.

ii. The Council resolved for representation on the SHPVCS to remain as Cllr Barnes.

iii. The Council resolved for representation on the Village Hall to remain as Cllr Tyrrell.

d. The Council resolved to continue with membership to LALC.

e. The Council resolved to accept the asset register and requested the Pavilion valuation be reviewed.

f. The Council resolved to accept the insurance quote.

g. The Council resolved to continue to pay and use the Village website,

h. The Council resolved to accept all Council Policies, Procedures and Documents.

Cllr Woolfe arrived at 7.45pm.

9. Police matters.

a. The Clerk advised no report had been received. The Council requested the Clerk chase for a meeting. 

10. Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

11. Highways matters and CSW.

a. The Chairman read through the following from LCC Highways:

The grass verge forms part of the surface water drainage system for the A16. Therefore, they are required to be cut regularly to include the Swales at least twice per year to alleviate the possibility of flooding to the road surface, which on a busy road such as the A16 would cause serious safety concerns.  

The first cut is programmed to be carried out approximately week commencing 23rd May 2022 dependent upon weather conditions.

The grass cutting at the roundabout is required for the visibility, again the cutting is required for safety reasons.

After discussion, it was agreed the Clerk would put concerns in writing to County Cllr Pepper.  

b. The Chairman read through the following CSW reports:

18.02.22 - outside the village hall. 29 cars/ vans checked. 13 recorded for being over the 30 mph limit. 2 drivers going south. 11 going north. Speeds ranged from 36mph up to 51, all in the 30 mph zone adjacent to the village hall.

18.03.22 - outside the village hall. In the one hour plus a few moments we listed 14 registration plates to be sent on to Lincoln. At this particular site in the village our colleagues at Lincoln request not only speed but in which direction the driver is going , ie south or north, this is because we are not too far from the static camera further along Barrier Bank. Speeds recorded for this section of Barrier Bank, being a 30mph zone are as follows: 1 at 37 mph 6 at 38mph 1 at 39 mph 1at 40 mph 2at 43 mph 1at 44 mph 1at 45 mph 1 at 51 mph. 12 Driving north ( toward Spalding) 2 Driving South 9 towards Crowland). 

21.04.22 - Our session lasted 1 hour from 4.15pm until 5.15pm outside the Village Hall on the 30mph zone. We checked 18 cars & vans and recorded 8 number plates to send on to Lincoln. Speeds ranged from 36 mph up to a staggering 49 all going on whilst a group of children where leaving school. 5 of the 8 where driving North towards the camera, whilst 3 where driving South towards Crowland.

05.05.22 - Following our session earlier this afternoon on Barrier Bank. 3 cars reported for exceeding the 40mph limit between 16.30 and 17.30. Ranges from 49 to 63 yes 63mph in the 40 zone  14 cars/ vans checked. Following our short session along the road outside the village hall at 17:32. 1 car reported for exceeding the 30mph limit at 50mph, yes 50mph in a 30mph zone.

The Council thanked all of the CSW volunteers.

c. The Chairman advised the meeting that enquiries into the Welcome gates was ongoing. 

d. Cllr Barnes advised the meeting that research into the Wildflower grass verges was ongoing.

12. Bus Shelters

a. The Chairman updated the meeting, noting the application was in process.   

13. Financial matters.

a. The Financial Report had been circulated, Cllr Elliott proposed and Cllr Fragale seconded, it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

May 2022 minutes annual parish council meeting tbl1

b. The Bank reconciliation for the 4th quarter had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

c. The Bank report for the 4th quarter had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given. The Council asked the Clerk to check the electricity fixed tariff.

d. Audit 2021/22 

It was agreed by all to accept the Annual Governance Statement, the Chairman duly signed. 

It was agreed by all to accept the Certificate of Exemption, the Chairman duly signed. 

It was agreed by all to accept the Accounting Statements, the Chairman duly signed.

14. Planning matters.

a. Planning application had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

15. Village Hall representative.

a. The Chairman read through the following report:

The Village Hall held its AGM last month with no change with the 4 officer positions; Darren is chairman; James is Vice Chairman; Chris is treasurer and Amanda is the secretary.

We reported on what a difficult year last year was through Covid and having to restart Bookings again. The position is now almost back to pre-Covid levels. We also agreed not to increase our rates as we have our expenditure under control, we have also earmarked a few projects for the coming year including a new online booking and invoice system.

16. Playing field/Pavilion representative.

a. Cllr Elliott updated the meeting, noting that the field and pavilion continued to be used by a local football team and a few matches remained this season. Cllr Elliott also advised the safety matting works had been completed as per the RoSPA report.

b. As per the Public Forum.

17. Jubilee celebrations

a. The Chairman read through the following report:

It’s now less than 4 weeks before the bank holiday Jubilee weekend and at the last public meeting held at the Village Hall we discussed many of the last minute decisions we have a program of events which will be published in the newsletter and online which include:

11:00am      Punt Gun Salute at the same time as Hyde Park.

At Cowbit Church 

All day - Cowbit Church flower festival, tea/coffee, toilet & water via the village hall

Set up ready for 13:00 start

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We are planning to set up the field on the Friday and could always need as many helpers as possible this includes putting up 2 small Marquees, decorating with the bunting, setting up the arena and collecting the equipment from the Village Hall to the pavilion, including tables chairs and kitchen equipment which will be brought down on the Thursday evening and packed away on the Sunday evening.

On Sunday we are opening the field for a picnic for anyone to come along, bring their own food and drink and sit with the neighbours and enjoy the afternoon while we still have the tent, chairs , tables, toilets and music on site. 

The budget we have for this event is approximately £7,000 the largest costs are the fireworks, marquee, Fairground rides and the sound system. other costs are the 3 toilet cubicles, Decorations and trailer hire for the stage

18. Correspondence.

a. None.

19. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda and also for Councillors to raise items for next meeting’s agenda. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are respectfully reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision-making.

a. None.

20. Date of the next meeting.

a. Date of the next Parish Council meeting, 11th July 2022, 7.30pm at Cowbit Village Hall.

21. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage), in accordance with  the Local Government Act 1972),  due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:-

a. Update regarding the ongoing concern.

Meeting closed at 8.42pm.