July 2022 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on Monday 11th July 2022, 7.30pm at the Cowbit Village Hall

Attendance. Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale, Barnes, District Councillor Casson, 6 members of the Public  and the Parish Clerk.

1.Chairman’s welcome.

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum

Residents raised concerns with state of the footpaths advising of a damaged drain cover along Backgate and concerns access when vehicles are parked on the path. The Council advised the Clerk would report the broken drain and concerns with parking on the path were to be reported to the Police either online or via 101.

A resident noted the wildlife verges on a recent trip to Yorkshire were beautiful and great for the environment and enquired whether it would be possible to replicate in the Parish. The Council urged the resident to write to LCC Highways and the Council were pursuing the same request currently.

Concerns were raised regarding fly tipping and it was noted that SHDC are in the process of engaging an outside firm to carry out their fly tipping prosecutions. 

2. Apologies.

a. Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Sandhu and District Cllrs Woolf.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Notes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 16th June 2022 to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes and the Chairman duly signed.

5. Matters arising from the minutes/admin matters.

a. None.

6. Police matters.

a. a. The Clerk advised no report had been received.

7. Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

8. Highways matters and CSW.

a. The Clerk advised no LCC Highways reports had been received and all road closure notices continued to be published on the website. 

The Chairman noted the Council had received a request to assist with the naming of a road, following discussion the Council agreed the following name choices: 1. The Paddock, 2. Mallard Close as they represent the previous usage of the field, Clerk to advise SHDC. 

b. The Clerk read through the following report:

Following our session of one hour on Barrier Bank this afternoon adjacent to Ash Tree Close, we checked 21 various cars, and registered 3 for breaking the 40mph speed limit.1x49


CSW Session on Barrier Bank outside the village Hall.
Commenced at 16:45
Completed at 17:45

20 cars & vans checked within the 30 mph zone.
13 registration numbers forwarded to CSW at Lincoln for driving in access of the limit.
1at 37mph
4 at 38
1at 39
3at 41
1at 42

We as a group are much concerned by this apparent upturn, both the cars driven in access of 50mph were still accelerating faster!

c. The Chairman advised the meeting that enquiries into the Welcome gates was ongoing. 

d. Please see the Public Forum.

9. Bus Shelters.

a. The Chairman noted that the previous bus shelter had fallen and  the application was in process to replace.   

10. Financial matters.

a. a. The Financial Report had been circulated, Cllr Elliott proposed and Cllr Barnes seconded, it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.July 2022 minutes tbl1

b. The Bank reconciliation for the 1st quarter had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

c. The Bank report for the 1st quarter had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

11. Planning matters.

a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal. The Council discussed the Old Post Office Site and requested further information, including whether the Old Post Office building will remain.

b. Please see Highways discussion, agenda point 8. 

12. Village Hall representative.

a. The Chairman noted there was no new updates as the next meeting is due to take place next week.

13. Playing field/Pavilion representative.

a. Cllr Elliott updated the meeting, noting that the trees planted as part Queens Green Canopy were doing well and that a temporary repair to the rope rush had been carried out. Following discussions, Cllr Elliott proposed, the Chairman seconded, all agreed to £1400 to make safe the rope rush if not covered by warranty. 

Cllr Elliott also noted that the field continued to be well used, citing 50 plus people during the day previous to the meeting andworks on the hedging/trees surrounding the field would be looked into. 

14. Jubilee celebrations round-up.

a. The Village Hall Chairman noted the following:

A huge thank you for everybody attending our village platinum jubilee fun day on the playing field on Saturday 4th June. The day started with the punt gun salute. In the afternoon we had performances by children of Cowbit School, a local dance group and an Adele tribute act, plus many stalls and attractions some of which were laid on free by the Parish council. The event was very well attended with hundreds of people visiting over the day. The evening was supported by 2 local bands and finished with a big firework display. A big thanks for the parish with financial support and I have also attached the final costs of the events, total cost were just under £7,000 with £4,160 from the parish council. A big thank you to everybody involved in supporting the event, attending the meetings, helping setting up, running the attractions and clearing away. We have set the date for next year's Fun on the field for Saturday, the 17th June, but I have also stood down as the main organiser, but we have a good team helping in the background to support next year. 

The Council thanked all those involved and a special thanks to Darren for co-ordinating the event. 

15. Correspondence.

a. None.

16. Councillor’s reports, items not on the agenda and for Councillors to raise items for next meeting’s agenda. Councillors are requested to use this opportunity to report minor matters of information not included elsewhere on the agenda and to raise items for future agendas. Councillors are reminded that this is not an opportunity for debate or decision-making.

a. The Chairman noted that Mill Drove North was to be repaired and reopened within this year.

b. The Chairman advised the Council had received correspondence regarding the re-opening of the Spalding Flower Parade, which given the current costings 

17. Date of the next meeting.

a. Date of the next Parish Council meeting, 12th September 2022, 7.30pm at Cowbit Village Hall.

18. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage), in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: Should this resolution be passed, members of the public, press and police will be required to leave the meeting.

a. The Council discussed and resolved accordingly the recruitment of the new Clerk/RFO.