May 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting
Minutes of the meeting of Annual Parish Council Meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on 14th May 2019 at Cowbit Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Attendance. In attendance were returning Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Hook and Simpson.
District Cllrs A.Casson, A.Woolf and 14 members of public.
1. Welcome.
Public Forum.
Items raised in the public forum included request for trees to be planted in the playing field and get the local children involved. Will parking spaces be increased at the pavilion area.
2. Apologies.
a. None received.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received.
4. Election of Chairman.
a. Cllr Tyrrell was proposed by Cllr Elliott and seconded by Cllr Hook. All AGREED.
b. Cllr Tyrrell signed the Acceptance of Office as Chairman.
5. Election of Vice-Chairman.
a. Cllr Elliott was porposed by Cllr Simpson and seconded by Cllr Tyrrell. All AGREED.
b. Cllr Elliott signed the Acceptance of Office as Vice-Chairman,
6. Co-Option for vacancy Councillor seat.
a. The Clerk had received two applications for the vacancy Councillor seat. After both candidates were interviewed prior to the meeting, the seat was offered and Eric Fragale was co-opted onto the Parish Council. All AGREED.
7. Appointment of representatives to various committees.
a. Playing Field rep: Both Cllrs Elliott and Simpson. AGREED.
b. Pavillion rep: Both Cllrs Elliott and Simpson. AGREED.
c. Village Hall rep: Cllr Tyrrell. AGREED.
d. SHPVCS rep: Cllr Simpson. AGREED.
e. LALC rep: Open to any Cllr who wants to attend meetings.
8. Notes of the meeting held on 12th March to be approved as the new minutes.
a. The notes had been circulated and it was resolved to accept these as the minutes.
9. Cemetery.
a. On going although a piece of land had been offered to the Parish Council, but as of yet no figure had been mentioned.
10. Village Celebrations.
a. Discussions had taken place regarding setting up a Village Celebrations Committee. A group of local people who can get together to set up any forthcoming village event/celebrations. Ex Cllr Harold Sharman will be part of the committee. Locals had been asked if they would like to join.
11. Police & CSW report.
a. Clerk had received a letter from the Spalding Police stating that no PCSO will be attending any Parish Council meeting. Instead they will be setting up surgeries locally for anyone to attend.
b. CSW volunteers are in need of more to join. Clerk will advertise this in the local magazine.
12. Highways matters.
a. Resurfacing of village roads will be done during the summer. Notices will be pubished when dates and locations have been confirmed.
13. Financial report.
a. The finance report had been circulated. It was resolved to accept these figures. It was agreed to move £5000 from the current account into the savings account.
b. It was resolved to approve the Internal Auditors Report.
c. It was resolved to approve the Annual Governance Statement.
d. It was resolved to approve the Statement of accounts.
e.It was resolved to authorise the Chairman to sign the Annual Return to be sent to the External Auditors.
14. Planning report.
a. Latest planning applications had been circulated and comments had been made accordingly on the SHDC website.
b. Planning application for works to the local shop had been approved by all Councillors.
15. Parish Council insurance.
a. It was resolved to accept the Parish Council Insurance at a cost of £787.38.
16. Village Hall representative.
a. Comments had been made that the village hall insurance was expensive and that the document should be on display in the entrance to the hall.
17. Playing field/Pavillion.
a. There have been discussions to turn the playing field into a Park Area. Ongoing. Landscaping of the area will take place but over a number of years.
Spalding United Football Club is interested in using the facilities and new goal posts and a much small pitch is considered. The income stream from the Football Club will go direct into a ‘park fund’.
New access to the field from the new estate and another one, once the building works have been completed.
SHDC have said there will be no access from the bottom of the field as this will be to costly to install.
The village school will still be able to se the facilities as before with no charge.
18. Correspondence.
a. Any correspondence received had been dealt with directly or included within the agenda.
19. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda.
a. Discussions had taken place regarding the Cowbit village sign. It was agreed that the sign should be removed over the winter months and intentions are to have it refurbished during that time.
b. The Speed Indicator Device (SID), had finally been taken down, due to someone putting superglue on the padlock, it was difficult to remove the unit from the bracket.
20. Date of the next meeting. Monday 8th July at 7.30pm
21. It was resolved to go into closed session to discuss the cemetery with the resident who will be offering the land for sale.
Meeting closed at 8.15pm