September 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on Monday 9th September 2019 at Cowbit Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Attendance. Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale, Hook and Simpson.

District Cllrs A.Casson, County Cllr Pepper and 7 members of public.

1. Welcome. Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Public Forum.

Issues had been raised previously regarding the rubbish at the old garage on Barrier Bank. Although a letter had been sent from the enforcement team at SHDC, it is private land and can prove difficult. A second letter had been send giving 14 days notice to clear the rubbish away. Update, if any, at the next meeting.

Thanks go to District Councillor Anthony Casson for arranging the three dog poo bag dispensers in the village. Also thanks to the Pride Team at SHDC for repainting the benches in the village.

Janet Barnes would like to publicly thank everyone who organised the Fun on The Field. There was lots of interest at a stall Janet organised for the Holbeach Food Bank. (Holbeach Community Larder and Kitchen). Janet also asked if it was possible to have a ‘collection point’ at the village hall or possible the church. Darren Harper Chairman of the village hall said it was a good idea.

2. Apologies.

a. None received.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. Had been received from Cllr Tyrrell regarding a planning application.

4. Notes of the meeting held on 8th July to be approved as the new minutes.

a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes. With a slight alteration regarding the car park repairs done by the football club.

5. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. The Parish Council would like to ascertain what spaces are still available within the Churchyard for burials etc. Cllr Tyrrell will have discussions with the Church Council regarding acquisition of land to form a new cemetery.

b. The CSW team are out on a regular basis and is having some effect on speeding traffic, this in turn has been responded with a Police presence and radar units. As Austendyke Road at Weston Hills has had a speed limit reduced and a regular Police presence, then what is the possibility of Barrier Bank having the speed reduced to 30mph through the whole of the village. LCC Cllr Nigel Pepper will enquire on our behalf. Also, what is the criteria for having the CSW in ‘hotspot’ areas? Two people have recently been assaulted doing this speed watch work and are the Police taking this seriously? Would the parish Council be allowed to have an update on this assault? If the Police are doing nothing, then it is sending out the wrong messages. Cllr Pepper said that he in fact had someone aim their car at him, whilst doing CSW and that person is now being pursued through the courts. Cllr Pepper said that the Police take this sort of thing very seriously.

6. Police matters.

a. No Police report given and on-line date is out of date.

7. Cemetery matters.

a. Ongoing, to find land suitable.

8. Highways matters.

a. Resurfacing of Backgate is due soon and road marking to be done at a later date once the road surface has settled.

9. Financial report.

a. The financial report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.

10. Planning matters.

a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.

b. Neighbourhood Plan. As Parish Councillors and custodians of the village for the elected period, Cllrs discussed the possibility of drawing up a ‘village plan’. Looking back over the past 10 years to see how the village has developed. The plan will allow the Parish Council to set out ideas, a wish list and sets out an action plan on a yearly basis. Looking at businesses, education, Police, what can be done for the elderly as well as the young. As an example, with the Churchyard almost full, what provision is there for a cemetery. It was agreed to develop Planning Papers. As the Parish Council are only a consultee for planning applications from SHDC. It was agreed to discuss this in Spring 2020 and develop a draft plan. Engage with SHDC, LCC and other agencies. Cllrs suggest a verbal update at each meeting until a draft document is produced. There is no budgetary provision at present, but maybe seek funding support elsewhere.

11. Village Hall representative.

a. Chairman Darren Harper said it had been quite over the summer months, but all was running ok. There have been regular bookings for the hall and a School has been set up on Sundays for Polish children. Another new group ‘boxercise’ has started, which is something different from what groups already use the hall. There was a ‘pop up pub’ in July. Fun on The Field was very successful with good numbers attending. A big thank you to James for organising the car show and the band. The bars taking had increased considerably. The Classic Car Show proved a great hit with everyone. It was all very well executed and a debrief was to take place soon. The only negative comments had been people had brought dogs on the field and Cllr Elliott had spent time asking the dog owners to take them home. The ‘dog ban’ had not been lifted for the event. Funding for the new car park surface at the front of the village hall, cannot go ahead yet until quote shave been received. The 1st phase is to get a price for putting down the base and shed type buildings and 2nd Phase will be the actual car park surface. The next committee meeting will be held in 30th September.

12. Playing field/Pavillion.

a. The summer is almost over and the playing field has been very busy throughout that time. Spalding Football Youth Team is an asset. With under 12’s girls teams playing on Mondays and boys teams on Thursdays.

The play equipment is in daily use and the ROSPA report is due to be done and updated at the next meeting.

It was agreed to contact Ashwood Homes to ask if they could extend the tarmac path from Willow Court to incorporate a grassed pathway to the bridge leading to the playing field.

Consideration regarding the half pipe was discussed and was agreed to leave it in-situ for the time being and review it again in 12 months time.

An adjacent resident to the playing field had raised a complaint regarding a ball in their garden and the fact it was retrieved by the owner.

Cllr Elliott is handing over the Playing Field reins to Cllr Fragale who will be now dealing with all matters.

13. Planning applications.

a. Any correspondence received had been dealt with directly or included within the agenda.

14. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda.

a. None received.

15. Date of the next meeting. Monday 4th November at 7.30pm

16. None.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm