December 2019 Minutes
Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on Monday 4th November 2019 at Cowbit Village Hall at 7.30pm.
Attendance. Cllrs Tyrrell, Elliott, Fragale, Hook and Simpson.
6 members of public. 1 press.
1. Welcome. Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting. Also gave thanks to those volunteers who give their free time for the Community Speed Watch.
Public Forum.
2. Apologies.
a. None received.
3. Declarations of interest.
a. None received
4. Notes of the meeting held on 9th September to be approved as the new minutes.
a. It was resolved to accept these notes as the minutes. Duly signed.
5. Matters arising from the minutes.
a. The Village Plan. Cllr Elliott and Hook had spent time mapping out the village area.
6. Police matters.
a. No Police report given and on-line date is out of date.
7. Cemetery matters.
a. Ongoing, to find land suitable. Cllr Tyrrell was due to speak to the Vicar regarding how much space is still available.
8. Highways matters.
a. Clerk had been asked to report the fact that there was no safety lights on the new development on Moulton Chapel Road.
b. Cllr Hook and LCCllr Pepper had both sent a request to LCC CSC asking why there is a difference of speed limits on Barrier Bank and if they can review it. Their reply was that a review had recently been completed and that no reduction will be done.
9. Financial report.
a. The financial report had been circulated and it was resolved by all to accept the figures given.
10. Planning matters.
a. Planning applications had been circulated and any comments made were listed on the SHDC portal.
11. Village Hall representative.
a. Chairman Darren Harper gave thanks to Cllrs for their contact details of contractors who can give quotes for works at the village hall. This is for a new hardstanding base for storage buildings and parking. They are applying to the National Lottery for funding to cover lal building works. Lots of events have been planned with another pop-up-pub planned in December. The Chairman asked if the Parish Council would be interested in purchasing a marquee for future use in the playing field. The PC requested to see a proposal of future events to make it worth while in making this purchase. The Clerk had received a letter requesting the ‘dog ban’ for future ‘fun on the field’ events. There would be adequate signage for water bowls and also provision of extra bins made for dog waste. The PC said that this will be reviewed neared the date.
12. Playing field/Pavillion.
Intruders had broken in to the pavilion and caused damage. An insurance claim had been made and contractors instructed accordingly. This time works will include extra added security and the lock will be changed. A new fridge had been installed. Spalding FC are using the field on a regular basis and paying a fee for this use, also the local Tiny Tots had made a donation for use. The ROSPA report done in August had shown no serious issues with the play equipment just small items reported. The steel half-pipe raised 20% of the issues raised. A vote was taken and it was resolved to get this removed eventually. The basket ball court, lights had already been disconnected and it was resolved to remove the posts,but the condition of the field stops the teleporter from removing these.
13. Planning applications.
a. Any correspondence received had been dealt with directly or included within the agenda.
14. Councillor’s reports & items not on the agenda.
a. Cllrs Elliott and Hook had placed the large poppies around the village, it was agreed to purchase more for the following year with it being the 75th anniversary. It was also agreed to purchase a poppy wreath.
b. Halloween had proved very popular around the village with Colin from the village shop holding a pumpkin competition. Maybe for the following year the whole village could get involved including the village hall. Showcasing just what the village can do.
c. Cllr Hook advised the Parish Council that he will be resigning his Cllr position very soon. Cllr Tyrrell thanked him for all his council work and his knowledge, all agreed.
15. Date of the next meeting. Monday 20th January 2020 at 7.30pm
16. None.
Meeting closed at 8.45 pm