January 2019 Minutes

Minutes of the meeting of Cowbit Parish Council held on 14th January 2019 at Cowbit Village Hall at 7.30pm.

Attendance. In attendance were Cllrs Tyrrell (Chairman), Elliott, Hook and Sharman.

District Cllrs A.Casson, A.Woolf. County Cllr N.Pepper. Winston Brown (press) and 7 members of public.

1. Chairman welcomed everyone.

Public Forum.

Comments from the public forum regarding the planning application and s106 will be noted under ‘planning’ item 10.

2. Apologies.

a. None received.

3. Declarations of interest.

a. None received.

4. Notes from the meeting on 10th December 2018 were read and accepted as a true copy of the minutes of the meeting. All AGREED.

5. Matters arising from the minutes.

a. Clerk had been asked to check if the water rates included the sewage removal. Clerk can confirm that the water bill does not include the sewage removal as this is done by use of a septic tank.

b. A ‘welcome to the village’ meeting was discussed, the idea was to invite all local businesses etc to an open afternoon at the village hall and to invite both existing and new residents. This will be deferred to later in the year.

6. Police matters and CSW.

a. Police report. ASB=1, criminal damage=0, theft=0, burglary=1, RTC =2 A16 and Stonegate.

b. CSW coordinator Mark Mason and volunteers have been proactive in the village and another training day had been set up for 28th January.

7. Cemetery matters.

a. The current cemetery has roughly two years worth of grave space available. It was discussed that the Parish Council look out for land suitable for a new cemetery. A piece of land at Drain bank South is due to become available for sale. Updates on this will be given as and when appropriate.

8. Highways matters.

a. Everyone is encouraged to report potholes direct to LCC via either the web portal, phone app ‘fix my street’ or by telephone.

9. Finance report.

a. Payments of £2673.46 and £4968.00 (play equipment deposit) and income of £145.42.

Proposed by Cllr Hook and seconded by Cllr Elliott. It was resolved to accept these figures.

10. Planning report.

a. Latest planning applications had been discussed and commented via the SHDC website.

b. Residents had been given the opportunity to discuss the recent planning applications within the village. Their concerns were why did the education part of the S106 monies be put to Weston Hills school and not of the village school in Cowbit. LCC stated that there was not enough places at Cowbit school to accommodate anymore youngsters, and the only way to expand the school footprint was to take away the play area. The school reported that they had spaces for 84 children with only 63 spaces being taken. LCC have stated that they have NO intention of closing down Cowbit school.

11.Village Hall report.

  • The planning application to replace the wooden sheds for a brick built store and hard standing plus disabled parking space had been granted. Grants will be applied for in due course.
  • AGM 4th March 7.30pm Social Committee to meet on 18th March to start organising events. 30th March Race night. 31st August ‘fun on the field’.

12. Playing field report.

  • The latest ROSPA report stated that the safety surface around the swings needed extending.
  • The Pavillion is due to be painted and a concrete slope to be installed giving easier access to the playing field.
  • 28th January or thereabouts, the new ‘Rope Rush’ playing equipment will be installed on the playing field. This if for anyone aged 5 years and upwards. A set of 5-a-side goal posts had been given as a freebie for this major purchase. Money for the Rope Rush was generously given by Ashwood Homes and not as part of any S106 agreement.
  • The long term plan of the playing field area, is to turn it into a park area for all to enjoy.


a. Some correspondence received had been included in the agenda.

13. Councillors reports & items for the next agenda. None.

14. Date of the next meeting.

a. It was agreed by all that the next general meeting be held on TUESDAY 12th March 2019 at 7.30pm

15. To resolve whether to move into closed session and exclude public, police and press (who will be required to leave the meeting at this stage), in accordance with the Local Government Act 1972), due to the confidential nature of business to be discussed in relation to the following matters: No.

The general meeting ended at 8.30pm